The Quickest Way to
Complete OSHA’s Respirator Medical Evaluation Questionnaire.
Quickly receive OSHA-compliant respirator clearance for individuals and companies.

Helping With
Creating Efficiencies Around Respiratory Protection & Clearance
We provide a turnkey solution consisting of:
Web-based, secure, and accessible online medical evaluation questionnaire
HIPAA Compliant records and reporting for management
Medical clearance by our qualified medical team
Efficient Clearance
This questionnaire will take approximately 3-5 minutes to complete.
Efficient Clearance
Our MEQs take 3 - 5 minutes to complete and our proprietary platform provides your employees with instant clearance 96% of the time.
We Secure. You Manage.
Manage your Respiratory Protection Program with secure reporting and access codes to maintain compliance and confidentiality.
We Secure. You Manage.
Manage your Respiratory Protection Program with secure reporting and access codes to maintain compliance and confidentiality.
Trilingual MEQ
Quickly adjust the language format between English, French, or Spanish.
Bilingual MEQ
Quickly adjust the language format between English, French, or Spanish.
Comply with OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.134
RapidMEQ empowers you to fulfill the Medical Evaluation and record storage component of OSHA's Respiratory Protection standards.
Comply with OSHA’s 29 CFR 1910.134
RapidMEQ empowers you to fulfill the Medical Evaluation and record sctorage component of Occupational Safety and Health Adminisration’s (OSHA) Respiratory Protection standards.
RAPIDMEQ® Helps to
OSHA Certify Employees
RapidMEQ® was created to provide fast, convenient, and affordable online medical evaluations for respirator users. The evaluation process is quick and easy and can be done from the comfort of your own home. In addition, our evaluations meet all OSHA requirements and comply with HIPAA data security standards. So whether you’re a business owner looking to protect your employees or an individual who needs to be evaluated for respirator use, RapidMEQ® can help. Contact us today to learn more.
Our Goal
Reduce Employee Downtime
At RapidMEQ® we understand the importance of maintaining a productive workforce. That’s why we offer an online medical evaluation questionnaire that can help to reduce employee downtime. The questionnaire is quick and easy to complete, and it can help to identify any potential medical issues that could impact an employee’s ability to safely wear a respirator. By using our online questionnaire, you can help to ensure that your employees are able to return to work safely and quickly after any respiratory illness or injury.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is there a monthly subscription to create/maintain an account?
There is no monthly subscription.
What is the minimum number of employees?
There is no minimum number of employees. Individual MEQs can be completed at the pay-as-you-go rate.
What if the employee needs further evaluation?
If an employee fails the MEQ (passing rate is 96%), 3 possible dispositions will result:
- Upon favorable review of the MEQ answers, Dr. Somner changes the result to PASSING,
- Dr. Somner requires the employee to undergo a pulmonary function test (PFT) or,
- The employee must see a physician or licensed health care provider in-person to be evaluated and clear for respirator use.
Do you have a PLHCP completing the questionnaire evaluation?
Yes. PLHCP is Dr. John Somner.
What is the price per MEQ?
See our pricing here.
Who receives the completion results of the MEQ?
The employer and employee both receive MEQ results via email.
Can RapidMEQ be considered the respiratory protection program for its customers?
Dr. Somner would be considered the PLHCP and would manage the MEQ process only (online MEQ vs. paper record storage). The customer should create a respiratory protection plan, a PLHCP (Dr. Somner) to review MEQs, a fit testing plan (can be any designated employee; all is required is “training,” which can be readily found on the internet), and a source (e.g. Urgent Care, Occupational Medicine clinic) for a follow-up evaluation if necessary (e.g. Pulmonary Function Test, in-person evaluation by a physician).
How long is a MEQ good for, and how often is it required?
The MEQ is good for 1 year and is required annually.
What Our Clients Say